Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Local advice, information & services

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Local advice, information & services

Local Advice & Information

Local Services

Medical Prescriptions

If you take a medication on a regular basis, please keep an eye on your “stock level” and re-order in good time.  Dispensaries can only supply one month’s prescription at a time.

A member of Holford Parish Council/Volunteer will collect & deliver your prescriptions on the below days.

Lloyds Williton – Tuesdays

Pharmacy contact number 01984 632512.

5 days to process repeat prescriptions ordered on-line.

Quantock Medical Centre – Fridays

Pharmacy contact number 01278 733385.

48 hours to process repeat prescription requests.

Cannington Health Centre – Fridays

Pharmacy contact number 01278 651311.


Grocery Orders


Kilve Stores; 01278 741214;

There is an organised delivery every Saturday but orders need to be received by the previous Saturday.

Further information contact Kate / Mike; 01278 741306;

Nether Stowey:

Paisley’s Farm Shop; 01278 732207;

Little Supermarket; 01278 732249.

Faun & Co Butcher; 01278 732 270 – meat, fish, veg, bread.


Somerset Farmhouse; 01984 632450;

Online shop on website is currently under construction but taking orders over the phone.


Croft Farm Butchers; 01278 652230 – meat, fruit, veg, dairy & bakery items from next door.

Village bakery; 01278 651047 – with butchers order.

Spar; 01278 653224.

Blackmore Farm; 01278 651154 – ready meals, milk, frozen food, bread, dry food, logs.


Spar/PO; 01278 732304.

Corner shop; 01278 733247.